
The University of Connecticut, Rice, and the University of Maryland have extensive infrastructure for test and characterization of nanoelectronic devices and components.

The CHASE Center, led by Prof. Tehranipoor, houses some of most advanced equipment available for nano-device analysis and testing, including Automatic Test Equipment (ATE), X-ray with nano resolution, SEM, probe stations, 3D imaging capabilities, and burn-in and thermal cycling.

The Nanoelectronics Laboratory lead by Profs. Gokirmak and Silva conducts fundamental transport studies and device research towards more efficient electronics for computation, memory and energy conversion. Characterization and modeling of materials and devices are performed in the lab.

UCONN’s Nanofabrication Facility or other fabricated facilities in the country, if needed, will be used to fabricate the devices investigated in the research program.

The CMC-LAB is a state-of-the-art hardware and software research laboratory, housed in the Center for Multimedia Communication at Rice University. The CMC-LAB and the CMC support basic theoretical and experimental research that leads the transformation of wireless communications and networking by bringing together expertise from computer networking, signal processing, optics, applied mathematics, and computer engineering.

At the University of Maryland, the Wireless Systems laboratory and existing computational resources will be used to support the project.